
Case Study : Reznor Downflow Unit Strikes a 'cord'

Richards of Aberdeen invested in thirty Reznor V3 downflow high efficiency indirect gas fired warm air unit as they provide a high Efficiency Heating Solution, draught free environment, whilst also having optimum heat distribution.


Case Study : Health Authority Trust in the Swim with Air Mixing

Having undergone a complete refurbishment, Salisbury Hospital needed a new heating system for their new leisure complex, constant comfort temperatures and having a safe environment were key factors to the requirement. Reznor UK being no stranger to this sort of application installed an air mixing system which provides a comfortable environment whilst eliminating condensation problems; fulfilling all the requirements established.


产品新闻 : The Natural Solution for Nortel

Nortel Networks sought an alternative heating system to the costly energy inefficient original installation they were used to. Reznor UK provided them with natural gas fired warm air heaters resulting in a huge cost saving of £20,000 per annum with energy savings of over 30% after the first year.


Case Study : Reznor is the Right Medicine for Manesty

Manesty demanded specific requirements of the new heating system needed in their new premises; Reznor's warm air heating system answered all the requirements with ease, providing even heat coverage with constant comfort temperatures and having ultimate control and flexibility.

